Getting unstuck with Gestalt

First writing workshop as part of the Changing Chalk residencies with Writing Our Legacy at Southease youth hostel, outside Lewes facilitating a group of writers and represented separately on different chairs, their unfinished work.

How far away do we place the representatives of our unfinished work? Which way are they facing? How do they speak? Sound like anyone familiar? So often we notice how we treat our unfinished work is how we were treated as children, or how we treat or neglect parts of ourself. What could now resource us more fully?

How do we hold ourselves in stuckness? Did we have to grow up quickly? Were we the fixer, pathfinder, or just left to get on with it?

We create a nature space and through guided meditation welcome out not knowing. Somehow there are openings and with small prompts, morsels of writing emerge.

Returning from a walk by the river, tendrils of confidence open, an unheard poem births into sound, chairs of the representative works are moved in closer and turned around, there is tenderness and warmth between work and its guardians.


Afrikan as Future- Summer Seminary, Bristol, June 5 -11, The Mount Without


Charleston Festival of the Garden